If you are currently going through the process of applying to colleges, you will be very familiar with the pressure that there is to make sure that your application stands out. Each college gets millions of applications every year and with so many people putting the work in, sometimes having good grades isn’t enough to gain a place on the course that you want to pursue. From your early high school years, you are told how important extra-curricular activities are, but which activities will really make you stand out from your fellow applicants?



Having any sport under your belt before applying to a college is always a good thing. Being a part of a dedicated sports team tells a college a lot about you as a person. It takes discipline to apply yourself to a sport, as well as a lot of well thought time management. A lot of high school sports teams will not allow you to be on the team if you are not achieving the correct grades and so doing sports in high school will be very impressive to colleges. It will also appeal to them if you are excelling in the sport, as it will mean they have a new member of their own sporting team. Though sports are important, taking part in anything competitive at all will show that you have determination. If you are someone who doesn’t enjoy physical activity, you may be interested in chess or scrabble clubs. If you don’t think you are very good at scrabble, there are many ways to practice and learn how to improve. Check out scrabble go cheat to test your skill and discover new words.



The debate club is an extra-curricular activity that is really sought out by colleges. It takes a lot of intelligence to be a successful member of the debate team as you have to think on your feet and challenge people without a lot of preparation. Sometimes members of your desired college will also come and watch you take part in a debate, so being a part of a debate team is a really good opportunity to show off your skills and intelligence. However, debate societies are often quite selective of who they allow being a part of the club, so make sure you are preparing ahead of your application.



One of the most attractive extra-curricular activities that you could have on your college application is proof of charity work. Doing charity work alongside your academic studies shows a lot about yourself as a person. Not only does it show that you are a good person, but it also shows that you care for your community. Colleges want someone who will care about their campus and will serve as a good student example, so make sure that you try and volunteer as much as possible.


School Committee

Being a part of the school committee shows that you are a hard and determined worker. Being on the committee comes with a lot of responsibilities and a lot of tasks that you have to carry out, so if you are able to do this while also maintaining good grades, then colleges will definitely be impressed.



The school newspaper is an excellent extracurricular activity because it serves as proof of all the work that you have been doing over the last few years. You can use the work you have done over the last few years as evidence that you have been spending your highschool time wisely. Having a full portfolio will really impress a college so if the newspaper interests you, be sure to pursue it.